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Video interview tips for online registrations

Video calls are becoming more common in the workplace and are part of the registration process for Yorkshire Education, along with the option of face-to-face appointments at the office.

To make video calls an easy process, we email a link you just need to click at the time of your registration to start the meeting. Once you click it, you are taken to a waiting area and your consultant will sign in and start the meeting. Your computer should start your camera and microphone automatically and you don’t need to download any additional software.

As some people may not feel confident with video calls, we have created the following suggestions to make sure your video registration can be as successful as possible.

The lighting and location

Think about the lighting in the room. You need to be seen clearly so don’t have a light shining straight at the camera as it can create a distracting glare. Natural lighting works well, so try and sit so you are facing a large window as it helps to remove any dark shadows from your face.

Keep the background simple without lots of clutter. Look at what is visible and avoid sitting in your bedroom as it is not the most professional looking space in the house.

Make sure the equipment works

Check your computer, webcam, and microphone work ahead of the video registration as you don’t want to waste time getting the settings right during the meeting. It can make you feel anxious if you have a difficult start which could set a negative tone.

Present yourself professionally

Wearing the right clothes gets you focussed for the discussion. It shows you value looking professional and are serious about the opportunities that are offered to you.

Keep good eye contact as if you were talking face to face. Try and speak looking at the camera as the interviewer will be watching their screen to see you. It shows you are focussed on them even though you are not looking directly at their eyes. It demonstrates you are confident and gives them your attention.

During the call you may be asked to show the original copies of your documents to the camera so have them nearby.

Yorkshire Education works with schools around York, North Yorkshire and East Yorkshire and now is a great time to book a registration appointment.


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